Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sweet Memories...on V-Day!

How did your Valentine’s Day go?

Over here in my kingdom, it’s a home affair ever since lil’ elf came along.
For the last 4 years, hub bought takeaways from my favourite restaurants for dinner.
As well as, sinful desserts, chocolates, wine etc.
Not forgetting plenty of munchies for elf.

This year, I had decided to prepare the meal myself. Though I am cooking, I got a feeling that hub will return home with little surprises as usual.
And true to be, he came back armed with lots of yummy stuffs & gifts.
I am really blessed with such a caring & sweet hub. *smiles*

Dinner started off with...

Creamy Chicken Soup

V-Day Creamy Chix Soup

Appetizer was...

Smoked Salmon Salad

V-Day Salad

Followed by main course...

Seafood Pasta

V-Day Pasta

One of the dessert amongst many...

Coeur Noir from Bakerzin

V-Day Cake

V-day may be over for now, but I am sure, my Valentine stays forever.

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