Sunday, April 29, 2007

Tuna Sushi Roll

Whenever I am sick of eating out or simply too lazy to cook.
I will make sushi with whatever I have in the larder or fridge.
Today is that kind of day where nothing appeals to me.
So, it’s Tuna Sushi Roll for dinner tonight.

On the side U can see some anchovies...(Those dark strange looking lump)
Hub’s working with a Jap company….
Annually before the Golden Week, the head office will ship down lots of Japanese Goodies for their staffs.
And this "I don’t know what it’s name Anchovies" is one of them.
These tiny fishes go extremely well with rice…..but the Japs usually eat it with a good cold beer.

Well…working for a Jap company can be a mind boggling at times and sometimes you may have to work like a dog , but they do have ... it’s perks too….*GrinS*!

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