Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Lemon Butter Salmon

I used to love salmon a lot when I was living in HKG. I can eat it for every meal.
Salmon is always so fresh & readily available in the supermarkets there, maybe it’s due to the high demand of such fish (lots of Japanese expatriates) and they are really cheap.
Also due to the geographical location; fresh salmon are air flown from Japan (daily) and from the Scandinavian region.

Then came a day, I just got sick of this high protein, low fat level Omega-3 rich fish.
But….haha!! There is always a but in everything…I still love salmon in different forms like smoked or cured, a little sashimi when the mood calls for is still acceptable.

After coming back to SIN, Cod became my favorite fish and till today I would gladly tuck in a meal of Cod fish cooked in anyway.

Yesterday, when I was out grocery shopping at the supermarket, all of a sudden, I had a nostalgic moment. my eyes laid on the shelf of 'orangey pink & firm salmon'…just looking at them bought back memories.

So, to revive the past, I bought a huge slice of salmon to cook for today’s dinner.
Lemon Butter Salmon is something I used to cook pretty often back then. It’s quick & easy and brings out the natural flavor of the fish with out too much condiment.

Lemon Butter Salmon

Lemon Butter Salmon
(Serves 2)

What U need:

  • 2pcs Salmon - marinated with a little salt & pepper for at least 1 hr
  • 1tbsp Oil – for oiling the pan
  • ½ a Lemon juice
  • 1tbsp Butter


  1. Heat the oiled pan and fry the marinated salmon for 2 mins on each side.
  2. Blot away excess oil from pan with kitchen towel.
  3. Lower the heat and add in butter, coat the butter evenly on both sides.
  4. Remove heat from pan & squeeze the lemon juice onto the fish.
  5. Serve with any side vegetable of your choice or U can try my ......

Bacon Spinach

What U need:

  • Spinach enough for 2 – cut into even lengths
  • 200g Streaky bacon – cut into tiny bits
  • 1tbsp Butter
  • 2tbsp Garlic – minced
  • Salt & pepper to taste


  1. Heat pan & fry bacon till they become crispy.
  2. Add butter & garlic.
  3. Toss in the spinach and give a quick stir-fry.
  4. Add salt & pepper to taste.
  5. Serve.

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